HPRCSC Interest Group Guidelines (from Business Interaction Guidelines Rev 1.2)
Purpose of Interest Groups
Interest groups are groups of individuals who meet at some regular interval
because they share a common interest and want to share their ideas,
experiences with others, and/or organize activities that are of interest to the
Interest Group 501(c) requirements
The HP Retirement Club of Southern California is a tax exempt organization. In order
to maintain that status, certain conditions are required which impact how interest
groups must function. The following are based on 501(c) guidelines relating to
interest groups:
Interest groups are groups of individuals who meet at some regular interval
because they share a common interest and want to share their ideas,
experiences with others, and/or organize activities that are of interest to the
Interest Group 501(c) requirements
The HP Retirement Club of Southern California is a tax exempt organization. In order
to maintain that status, certain conditions are required which impact how interest
groups must function. The following are based on 501(c) guidelines relating to
interest groups:
- Participation is limited to club members and their guests
- Organized for pleasure, recreation, and other non-profit purposes
- Substantially all of its activities must further the above purpose
- Must provide an opportunity for personal contact amongst members: there must be a ”commingling” of the members for social, recreation, or similar purposes
- Net earnings will not benefit any person having a personal or private interest in its activities
- May not provide goods or services for financial gain